Design Process
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經 Email 及 WeTransfer 收取文字 及 相片
設計 77個 初稿之中,選擇最好 1 個
在 WhatsApp 對稿 及 可以修改 7 次
設計完成 及 收取尾款
經 WeTransfer 網上交付
AI File、Tiff 及 JPEG 檔案
About Us
仰望設計公司創立於2008年,我們幫客戶進行的商業設計,包括策略思考、市場研究、視覺形象設計、企業識別系統設計、品牌形象設計、商標設計、平面設計、包裝設計、網上零售廣告設計,為全方位的企業整合設計服務。藉由與客戶間的溝通,引導出客戶的核心價值,在了解客戶問題後,經由我們的設計專業,將訊息傳達給我們客戶的目標消費者,是我們的主要任務。而我們的目標是希望主動幫客戶創造「商品價值」,我們擅長運用不同的風格,配合客戶量身打造,希望每個案件都能創造出「獨特」與「細緻」的作品,除了讓客戶作品達到商業需求外,更同時擁有藝術美學價值。至今已累積50 多個以上的企業客戶,能夠在如此競爭的產業逆勢成長。唯有持續在設計上追求更進步,才能在這競爭激烈的產業環境中佔有一席之地。落實經營理念,讓您深刻體會貴公司的「商品價值」。
十分歡迎聯絡我們洽詢︰ 2727 7705
本公司服務的 4 大優點︰
- 設計 – 屢獲各界好評
- 價錢 – 價廉物美
- 地點 – 全程互聯網完成
- 推廣 – 貴公司享有全年折扣優惠
設計 5 大服務包括﹕
- 按照 貴公司的要求 / 香港的市場研究 / 本公司的專業建議,度身訂做 72 款設計讓貴公司自由選擇。
- 每項設計享有 3 次修改。
- 貴公司接受設計後,本公司會把作品輸出為 ai / photoshop / pdf / tiff / jpg 等電腦格式。
- 完成作品會以 DVD-ROM 形式交至貴公司。
- 每項設計完成後享有 30 天維修以及保養。
Sevan Design Company
Founded in 2008, Sevan Design Company provides comprehensive and extensive commercial design services for its clients, which includes strategic planning, market research, visual identity design, corporate identity design, brand identity design, logo design, graphic design, packaging design, and online retail advertising design. We ensure close communication with the client to determine their core values and the issues they are currently facing. From which, we strive to convey the client's intended message to the target audience through professional design. Armed with high levels of proficiency in a wide range of design styles, we are conscious about developing a tailored design experience that actively “creates value” for the client's goods and services. We hope to create “unique” designs with “great attention to details” that fulfil the client's commercial needs while retaining artistic ideals and aesthetics. We have worked with more than 50 corporate clients so far, growing our business in a highly competitive industry. In order to maintain our competitive advantage in the cut-throat world of design, we must constantly work to improve our design proficiency. We strive to fulfil our business philosophy in exemplifying the “value of the client's goods and services” for its intended audience.
FourStrengths of Our Services:
- Design –Received exceptional reviews across different industries
- Price –Quality designs at affordable prices
- Location –Workflow is carried out entirely online
- Promotion –Client enjoys discounts available all year long
Top 5 Design Services:
- Client may choose freely from 72 unique designs tailored to the client'sneeds/market research conducted in Hong Kong/professional advice from ourcompany.
- Each design may undergo 3 revisions.
- Once the client is satisfied with the design, we will export the final designin formats including but not limited to ai/psd/pdf/tiff/jpg.
- The end product will be submitted to the client in DVD-ROM.
- Each design is entitled to 30 days of maintenance from completion date.
Please feel free to contact us for more inquiries: 2727 7705
Sevan Design Company
Email︰ marketing@des.com.hk
Tel︰2727 7705
Address︰Lemmi Centre, 50 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Office Hours︰Monday to Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm ; 2:00pm - 6:00pm
﹙Closed on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays﹚
Contact Us
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